
A lipoma is a fatty lump that’s most often found between your skin and the underlying layer of muscle. Lipomas can occur anywhere on the body but most commonly in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms and thighs. They are slow-growing with a doughy feel, and move readily with slight finger pressure. Some people have more than one lipoma.

Lipomas are typically:

  • Generally small – lipomas are most often less than 2 inches (5 centimetres) in diameter
  • Sometimes painful if they press on nearby nerves or if they contain lots of blood vessels, although they aren’t often tender
  • Situated under the skin

The causes of lipoma are unclear. Middle-aged men and women tend to get more of them, and they also run in families with around 2-3% of people who develop them having a family history of the condition. As suggested by research, lipomas frequently show up after injury, although medical specialists are unsure whether this is what makes them form.

It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between warts and skin tags, lipomas and cysts and the different types of moles. Book your appointment at Dr Skin Surgery for a specialist review.

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