Dr Skin Blog
Find out more about what Dr Amar Lally and his team do here at Dr Skin Surgery by reading our blog.
All About Skin Cyst Removal
What exactly are Epidermoid Cysts? Dr Skin Surgery answer your questions about cysts and what to expect from cyst removal Skin cysts come in many
Lipoma: What is it, What are the Causes, and How are They Removed?
Let’s look at these fatty lumps in more detail, along with lipoma symptoms and how they can be treated. Whilst many individuals experience a lipoma
Should you remove a skin tag yourself? Here’s all you need to know.
While skin tags look very similar to warts, they can be just as aesthetically displeasing. While it is tempting to remove them yourself, it’s essential
How do you know whether a mole is cancerous? Here are some warning signs to look out for.
Wondering when to get a skin mole checked by a professional? Dr Skin Surgery are here to explain all about moles and how to check
At Dr Skin Surgery, we are highly experienced in treating a large variety of skin lesions. Whatever shape or size, our tried and tested techniques deal with your skin concern in the most effective way, leaving you with immaculate results. There are many common lesions which clients visit us every single day about. If you are worried about any lumps or bumps, we have the treatments and advice to help.
There are plenty of worries surrounding sun exposure and the impact this can have on your skin in the future. With SPF becoming widely popular for daily use and it being incorporated into many people’s skincare routines, it is important to understand the necessity of staying protected from the sun’s rays. It isn’t news to anyone that UV exposure can be extremely damaging to the health of your skin, but we offer methods and expert advice on how to stay protected, whatever skin type you may have.
Staying hydrated has an overwhelming amount of health benefits. For your skin, it can improve the appearance of fine lines and scars, as well as reducing pimples and acne and can really help moisturise and replenish the skin. It can vastly improve the skin’s elasticity and flush out your body’s toxins. For plumping and rejuvenating treatments for your skin, we offer plenty of treatments to bring life back to your skin. We also offer advice on how to maintain moisturised and hydrated skin.